• Чт. Янв 23rd, 2025

Дунё ўзбеклари

Журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси

«Дунё ўзбеклари» на английском языке

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  • “Shall we struggle against Karimov’s system in Uzbekistan or Censorship in “Liberty” Radio Broadcasting?” (3)

“Shall we struggle against Karimov’s system in Uzbekistan or Censorship in “Liberty” Radio Broadcasting?” (3)

Hunger Strike against censorship Uzbek service of Radio Liberty To BBG(Brodcasting Board of Governors) Secretary of State. Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton Mr. Victor H. Ashe Mr. Dennis Mulhaupt To Mr.…

“Shall we struggle against Karimov’s system in Uzbekistan or Censorship in “Liberty” Radio Broadcasting? ” To BBG(Brodcasting Board of Governors) (2)

Secretary of State. Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton Mr. Victor H. Ashe Mr. Dennis Mulhaupt To Mr. Senator John McCain To BBG International Brodcasting Bureau Mrs. Joan Mower “Shall we struggle…

“Shall we struggle against Karimov’s system in Uzbekistan or Censorship in “Liberty” Radio Broadcasting? ” (1)

To BBG(Brodcasting Board of Goverments) Secretary of State. Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton Mr. Victor H. Ashe Mr. Dennis Mulhaupt To Mr. Senator John McCain To BBG International Brodcasting Bureau Mrs.…

Navbahor Imamova added a photo from August 21, 2012 to her timeline.

Interviewing Robert Blake, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia… We talked about his recent trip to Uzbekistan, his meeting with President Islam Karimov (Hey, not everyone gets…

“Dunyo Uzbeklari” today’s guest the leader of “Birdamlik” Bokhodir Choriyev.

General freedom, democracy, human rights, talks. Ad comments July 17.2012 In the picture B. Choriyev with his family. Hello Bokhodir! First of all we thank you for finding the time…

A tragedy foretold: Norway condemns Uzbek activist to jail and torture

http://uncut.indexoncensorship.org/2012/07/uzbekistan-norway-jail-torture/ July 6, 2012 by Michael Andersen “I will be arrested the minute I land in Uzbekistan and then thrown in prison,” an Uzbek human rights activist tells me, “and…

Buranovskiye Babushki — Party For Everybody (Russia) 2012 Eurovision Song Contest

Бир кичик ҳикоя тарихи…

Насрулло Саййид Бу воқеа бундан уч йил илгари Едмонтон шаҳрида содир бўлганди. Ўшанда мен Канадага кўчиб келган эмигрантларга инглиз тилини ўргатадиган бир мактабда ўқирдим. Бир кун ўқитувчимиз Ҳелен синфимизга икки…

Uzbekistan: Statement on persecution of human rights activist Gulshan Karaeva

Dear colleagues, Please find attached a Statement by the Expert Working Group on latest attack against Uzbek human rights activist Gulshan Karaeva. This paper is distributed in English and Russian.…

Briefing «Political Prisoners in Central Asia»: Statement by Sanjar Umarov

Ferghana U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Briefing «Political Prisoners in Central Asia» Statement by Sanjar Umarov May 15, 2012 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC Thank you…

Slideshow. Wedding of Shahnoza & Anvar. Pittsburgh, March 10, 2012

«Дунё ўзбеклари»га Америка Қўшма Штатларидан мактуб…

USA, TEXAS. Wall street #154 John ABDIEV Dear DUNYO UZBEKLARI. Sorry that I can’t speak Uzbek but understand a little russian. My e mail adress is opened in mail ru…

2012 — йилнинг 21 — декабрида нима бўлади?

Hillary Clinton Drinking & dancing

North Korea’s Kim Jong-un makes first public speech in Pyongyang

Baby’s Best Friend, his Rottweiler

Oikos University Shooting Oakland California (April 2, 2012)

Dog Welcomes Home Soldier…Again ВИДЕО-хит: пес обезумел от счастья, когда хозяин вернулся с войны

Пес породы боксер по кличке Чак, пожалуй, сейчас является самой популярной собакой в интернете, и все благодаря ролику, на котором он радостно встречает своего хозяина, вернувшегося из Афганистана.


KARIM BAHRIEV (Translated by Azam Abidov) LAST WILL Or a simple verse about versification You have always written of the luck, But I wept. Insensibly. In dark. You are sick…